
nayastucsonThe word Naya, which centers on the concept of being engaged in the present moment, comes from the ancient language of Classical Sanskrit and means more literally a guide, person of wisdom, conductor and leader. Nayas provide all daily support residents in Watermark’s some home settings, just as family members would in a traditional, multi-generational household. The name Naya reminds community members to connect with each other and be mindfully engaged in each moment, creating a close-knit environment that fuels a strong sense of camaraderie.

In traditional senior-living models, the care of a resident is divided among several associates, from dishwasher to charge nurse, who interact with a resident only within their particular and limited duties. This care model not only results in a lack of daily continuity for the resident, but as importantly presents the risk of a failure to put together the whole picture regarding a resident’s welfare. Nayas are able to assure that residents thrive.

Nayas know how to make breakfast just the way a resident likes it, or if a resident would enjoy making it himself with a little help. They know if individual residents have a good appetite, how well they slept, and when they last exercised or participated in a new program. And they can observe how the resident reacts to a change in type or dosage of medicine or a new therapy.

Because Nayas spend the day with residents, they notice the nuances of daily routine that support restorative health. They also notice the small and early signs of concern that might otherwise go unseen.